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Hi There!

I'm Bérengère and I'm known on the Internet as The Raw Frenchy.

I'm 33 years old, born and raised in France, I had the opportunity to live in Chile, Canada, United States and Morocco for several years. Back in France I want to share my Knowledge about Food & Nutrition with you!

I graduated from a Business School in Paris, I have a Master in Marketing and Management of Tourism. This explain my love for travelling, hotels and restaurants ;)

I also have an Auto-immune disease, since I am a little girl, I have arthritis. I didn’t want to accept my fate, so I decided to look for the best experts, I changed my diet and today I have no more treatments, my disease is in airplane mode like I like to say.


I share my knowledge on Health & Nutrition, because we shouldn’t wait to face health issues or Covid crisis to look at what we eat. 

Contact me by email or by private message on Instagram, I'll be happy to answer you!

Email :

Instagram @therawfrenchy

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